Creek MS Eagle Band (6th grade Beginner Band)
Unanimous Superior 1st division
ratings at McKinney Boyd HS Peak Festival
Superior 1st division rating from NRH2O
Creek MS Symphonic Band, Director – Sarah Dempsky
Medal of Freedom - Barrett, Heroes Triumphant –
Owens, Japanese Pictures - Mixon
Unanimous Superior 1st division
ratings at UIL concert and sight-reading
La Madre de los Gatos - Beck, Blue Ridge Reel – Balmages, Japanese Pictures - Mixon
Unanimous Superior 1st division ratings at UNT Murchison Peak Festival
La Madre de los Gatos - Beck, Blue Ridge Reel – Balmages, Japanese Pictures - Mixon
Unanimous Superior 1st division ratings at UNT Murchison Peak Festival
Creek MS Honors Band, Director – Rylon Guidry
Mozartesque March - Takahashi, Sheltering Sky -
Mackey, Vesuvius - Ticheli
Unanimous Superior 1st division
ratings at UIL concert and sight-reading
Best in Class 1st Runner Up, Beach
Within Reach
*Performer at The 71st Annual Midwest
Creek MS Jazz Band
Superior 1st division rating & GRAND
Individual Honors
51 Students in the LISD All-District Band in
64 Students in the Region 2 All-Region Band in
LISD Outstanding Ensembles: Bassoon Quartet, Casey
& Eloy Trumpet Duet, Trombone Ensemble, Low Brass Ensemble
LISD Outstanding Soloists: D’Marco DeLeon/oboe,
Dylan Castillo/trombone, Ian Boggs/trombone, Casey Ivanoff/trumpet, David
Vazquez/trumpet, Eloy Trevino/trumpet, Neel Vavilapalli/tuba